    Smart Lock-easy & safe
    It can open with fingerprint, password, card, app and key.
    It will send alerts if someone is forced to open the door by using hi-jack fingerprint and timely feedback unlocking information on App. 

    * Processor: ZigBee MCU
    * Zigbee wireless standard: IEEE802.15.4
    * Power Supply: 4x AA
    * Interface: Optical fingerprint entry/Touch screen password input panel/Doorbell/Concealed mechanical keyhole/Emergency external power supply/Tamper alarm device
    * Voice navigation: Chinese & English
    * User management: Support user input/ edit/delete data
    * Unlocking setting: remote unlock by APP/Temporary passwords can be set by App/Disposable passwords can be set by App/Record & view unlcoking information/Trigger alert by using hi-jack fingerprint when hi-jack

    南山办公室地址 :广东省深圳市南山区深圳国际创新谷1栋B座18层

    湖北工厂地址 : 湖北省咸宁市通山县经济开发区工业路8号

    电 话 : +86 755 8656 0088 传真 :+86 755 8656 0345

    邮箱 : sales@xinghuoyuan.com